Inkwell, Charger s Mounted Hoof, 1920

Inkwell, Charger s Mounted Hoof, 1920
Inkwell, Charger s Mounted Hoof, 1920
Inkwell, Charger s Mounted Hoof, 1920
Inkwell, Charger s Mounted Hoof, 1920
Inkwell, Charger s Mounted Hoof, 1920
Inkwell, Charger s Mounted Hoof, 1920
Inkwell, Charger s Mounted Hoof, 1920
Inkwell, Charger s Mounted Hoof, 1920
Inkwell, Charger s Mounted Hoof, 1920
Inkwell, Charger s Mounted Hoof, 1920

Inkwell, Charger s Mounted Hoof, 1920
Old inkwell, circa 1920. Silver plated mounted hoof , the top with recessed compartment and inscribed « dawn ». The shoe marked « mounted by the a&n cs ltd’ (army & navy co-operative society limited) ». Inkwell in the shape of a horse’s hoof would be perfect for any collector of equestrian antiques, or for those interested in victorian curiosities. This item is made of corne and matal argenté.
Inkwell, Charger s Mounted Hoof, 1920