Here is a superb frame with butterflies and pins, the butterflies are in good condition, there are a few minor damages, very beautiful wall decoration.
Domestic pigeon skeleton under glass case – scientific display mounted with iron wires, from the renowned company t. Gerrard & co, united kingdom, circa 1950/60 – complete skeleton in excellent condition – glass case with silver paper corners, size: 26 x 20 x 12,5 cm.
For all nature lovers, you can now bring a piece of wildlife inside your house. Display has fake paper butterflies, it’s especially made for people who prefer having animal-free decor. Des coupoles en verre faites à la main. Pour tous les amoureux de la nature, vous pouvez à présent amener une part de la faune chez vous. Présentoir avec de faux papillons en papier, spécialement conu pour les gens qui préfèrent une décoration exempt d’animaux. En raison de leur fragilité, l’expédition des dômes se fait à vos propres risques. Je ferai de mon mieux pour protéger chaque colis pour l’expédition. Il n’y a pas de remboursement si le dôme se perd ou se casse durant la livraison.
Pair of blown glass eyes in a marquetry presentation box inlaid with mother of pearl. These eyes came from an old siegel-stockman factory in france where they were used in the fabrication of shop dummies/mannequins. Each hand-made in the 1930’s they are incredibly lifelike and beautifully crafted objects in their own right. I have decided to present them in a marquetry box which is included in the lot, however with imagination, there are any number of ways to present them as a quirky, original curiosity. Dimensions eyes: 3.5 x 3.5 x 4.5 cm. Dimensions box: 12.6 x 8.7 x 5.5 cm. This item is made of glass and wood, mother of pearl.